Tesis de posgrado

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Determinación del efecto aversivo a excretas y su utilización como coadyuvante en el destete de ovinos de pelo
Enlace - https://sistemas.ucol.mx/tesis_posgrado/resumen1397.htm
Resumen - En este trabajo se llevaron a cabo tres experimentos en Zacatepec, Mor., ubicado geográficamente a los 18 ø 39 de latitud Norte y 99ø 11 de longitud Oeste con una altitud de 920 msnm. El primer experimento tuvo como objeto evaluar el grado de aversión que pueden producir diferentes estiércoles en el ovino, se utilizaron 10 borregos machos Pelibuey de 5 - 6 meses de edad y un peso aproximado de 20 kg. Los estiércoles evaluados provinieron de cuatro diferentes especies (bovino, ovino, porcino y aves de corral) con dos factores: fresco y seco con el fin de evaluar el grado de aversión hacia las excretas. Se construyó un corredor de 5 m de largo por 1.2 m de altura y 1 m de ancho, con paredes laterales sólidas y compactas que permitían que el borrego caminara libremente entre ellas. El piso se dividió en 5 áreas de 1 mý cada una. En un extremo del corredor, en el primer metro cuadrado se colocó una capa uniforme de 5 cm de los diferentes estiércoles (uno a la vez). Cada uno de los diez Two tests were used to assess the repulsive value of four-farm species manure under fresh and dry conditions first and second experiments. In trial 1, a corridor was used. Feces were placed at one and ten sheep were individually introduced from the opposite edge recording the time spent in each section. In trial 2, buckets with a wire mesh divider at 20 cm from the base were used. The correspondent treatment was in the bottom and comercial concentrate was on the upper part. Ten sheep different from those in trial 1 were exposed individually to each treatment recording the time they spent with their heads in the bucket and the food consumed. Animals were tested after 16 h fasting. In trial 1, significant (P<0.01) repulsion was found to dry manure from cattle and swine, and feces from sheep, poultry and swine. A trend (P>0.05) for a higher repulsion for fresh manure from all species except cattle was observed. In trial 2, no difference (P>0.05) was found for time eating. However, less food consumption (P<0.01) was found in the fry cattle mure treatment. A trend (P>0.05) for less feeding time and consumption was observed for dry from all especies except swine. In both trials, no difference (P>0.05) was found between ungalate and monogastric feces, or fresh and dry feces. Low association (r=0.57; P<0.05) was found between the results from the both trials. It was concluded that: 1) dry cattle manure was the most repulsive excreta from the farm domestic species evaluated 2) some results may vary according to the test applied. In the present study, two behavioral tests were designed to determine the relative odor repellency the manure of four farm species (cattle, swine, sheep, poultry) in fresh and dehydrated conditions which has been used as animal food and/or natural repellents. In trial 3, Animal feces law contribute to the weaning due to flavor and odor that show feces. Literature reports suggest that animals show aversion to its own feces and orine. The present research was corried with the aim to evaluate manure cattle utilization as a contributor to the hair y sheep weaning. Number of the following variables were measure in theirs trial: a) Times in which the sheep loreast feed the suckling, b) Number of times in which the suckling lamb get close to eat food perday c) food consumition be the sheep and lamb gaining weightby the sheep and lamb every other day, d) Number of vocalization the sheep and lamb sawpline blood was corried on the four treatments. On T1 sheep and suckling lamb individualite compormentalized; On T2 manure was sweared on the sheep, T3 was the control, were the sheep and lamb were together and on T4 the udder sheep was covered by a piece of nylon likra. Cortisol levels were measured at 8, 12, 24 and 36 h after the begin nine of the trial. Food was weighted at 8:00 a.m and 7:00 p; also food was weighted. Comportments were monitored daire reyected by a close T.V circuite. Treatments were evaluated at the end of each test, allowing the interactive between the sheep and lamb for a 6 h period verifying through direct observation of the lamb tried to breast feed, and see the sheep reaction to that behavior. Results indicated that food consumption by the sheep and lamb did not show significant difference (P>0.05) between treatments. Likewise, no significant difference was detected between treatments, regarding weight gainns. With respect to weaning time a significant difference was observed between treatments, were T3 was higher than the other treatments. The number of times in which the lamb get close to food showed significant difference between treatments where T1 was higher than T2, T3 and T4. The dairy number of sheep vocalization was higher in T1 followed T4, T2 and T3. In regard to the number of the lamb vocalization, it was higher in T1 followed by T2, T4 and T3. The number of times in which the lamb breast feed was also higher to T3 followed by T1, T2 and T4. The most out standing result was smearing manure on the sheep udder which en hance weaning, sence the lamb can stay wether the flock the sheep increase weight and can have a better flock management.
Originador - Universidad de Colima
Distribuidor - Universidad de Colima
Idioma - Español
Categoría - Tesis posgrado
Colección - Tesis de posgrado (1011)
Idioma del recurso - Español
Lugar - Colima, México
Propósito - Difusión
Temas - Tesis, Doctorado (148)
Notas - Tesis presentada en Junio de 2002
, Programa: Doctorado en Ciencias Pecuarias, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Generación 1998 - 2000

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